Friday, July 12, 2013

Weeks 17 and 18

Golly!! Where does the time go!   I feel like I just posted about my week a few days ago and then I blink and realize 2 weeks have gone by.  Sorry guys.  Pregnancy brain, swollen feet and the time is takes of building a house is eating my time away from reporting back to y'all on the latest and greatest.

I'm just going to combine weeks 17 and 18 because really I'm tired and lazy and I'm sure nobody really cares that much right?

How Far Along Are you? 18 Weeks (19 weeks and 2 days today)

Baby is the size of a(n): Sweet Potato
Total Weight Gain/ Loss:  Well, Id say I'm definitely not on the loosing end anymore.  I have gained roughly 10 pounds now.
Stretch Marks:  I'm actually surprised I haven't had anymore pop up lately. I know with our genetics we are prone to them.  I'm still using the Mustella cream and I recently purchased some of the Jergens Natural Glow to rub on my legs and arms and face.  This girl needs a tan!!!
Symptoms: I can't complain too terribly about these last few weeks.  I have felt really well.  The only thing that has had me concerned is my feet have been swelling on a daily basis now.  I keep them propped up on a box under my desk in my office but I'm sure that's not even doing much good since I need them above my heart.  I am sure my boss wouldn't agree to me propping them up on the desk, no??
Sleep:  Off and On still.  The nights I don't, man, I have it rough the next day or two. But the nights I do, I wake up feeling great and refreshed.  I even styled my hair a few times, rather than shooting for the same old messy bun.
Best Moments:  For sure finding out what we are having.  I am so over the moon in love with the precious little one and I can't wait to meet them.
Miss Anything:  Nothing too terrible this week.  I would say Mexican Food since I haven't had it in over a month now, but really it just makes me nauseous thinking about it.
Have You Started To Show:  Yup, there is a definite baby in there. I was beginning to feel huge until my OB appointment 2 weeks ago.  There was a girl that was obviously due any day now and she looked so miserable.  I just thought to myself, man I have a long ways to go....Eeek!!!
Baby Is A:  If you don't already know, you'll have to wait til mu next post of my gender reveal party.
Belly Button In or Out:  In, but I feel that I may eventually have an outie.  We will see.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on but I have this weird thing going on with it.  All the skin under my ring has been peeling off really bad and with the swelling I've been having it is getting tighter by the day.
Happy or Moody:  Happy for the most part. Just moody for some reason around our fur-babies. I feel so bad I'm not attentive to them anymore.  They just annoy me and I find they smell so bad... even after a bath.  Mommy still loves you Duke and Lucy and Storm though. 
Cravings:  Hot Wings!
Goals this Week:  Try to get the swelling down in my feet, as if that is possible!  Pack up the garage, we get to move in less than 2 months!!  Work out legs and arms at least 2-3 times this week.

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