Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Sorry ya'll. I have been kinda MIA the last oh ummmm 15 weeks I think. 
With the craziness of getting moved in.  Feeling huge and a million gagillion things to do I just kinda needed a break from the world of blogging.  I really hope I can get back on track once little Annalise is here.  I am SO ready for her to be here!!

I cannot believe I am already 36 1/2 weeks.  It is insaine!  Where or where did all the time go.... like for real?  Its just gone and this little baby will be here anytime now.

Monday I will finally have my appointment where they start "checking" me to see if I am dialated or not.  Lord please tell me I am.  I feel that at any given moment this little bambino will just fall out of me.  Seriously!  No, Seriusly I do.

As far as the house, we are finally moved in!! Settle in, and unpacked for the most part.  We still have a ton of boxes in the office (my craft stuff) to take care of but  honestly I am not worried about it until I can get a few things to make the office look like the office.. Like bookshelves would be nice!!

Othere than that I have everything pretty much done and ready to go for Miss Annalise's arrival.  I just need to pack my bag for the hospital and get Aaron to put her carseat in the car and I think we'll be pretty set.

As far as her nursery.  Ya'll I cannot wait to show you.  It turned out so much better than I ever imaagined.  It is so peaceful, calm, and just beautiful.  I wish she could tell me how much she loves it as a baby so I would have the full satisfaction that I did good.  But I know she can't.  I guess just knowing how it makes me feel when I walk in her room is going to have to be good enough for now.

I promise I will try to update ya'll soon on everything else going on. 

In the mean time I will just leave you with a  little picture of our sweet girl at my 32 week 3D ultra sound.  I mean look at those cheeks!!!  Cant wait to plant my kisses all over them!!

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